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The actions to be taken by staff in the event of a fire is crucial, therefore practising fire drills must become an integral part of a facility's preparedness.
The purpose of a fire drill is to ensure that staff are familiar with the building's overall evacuation procedures. Therefore, the owners and managers must be aware of the benefits of holding fire drills which involve all staff/employees. To maximize the benefits of these fire drills, they should be scheduled and rotated in such a way all staff/employees have an opportunity to participate.
Supervisory staff must be instructed in the fire emergency procedures that are described in the Fire Safety Plan before they are given any responsibility for fire safety. A copy of the fire emergency procedures and other duties outlined in the Fire Safety Plan must be given to all supervisory staff.
Staff should receive training in the safe use of portable fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment. This would/may include instructions on how to activate and reset the fire alarm system where appropriate. Staff must be instructed to react quickly to a fire emergency. At the same time, personal safety must be promoted.
It is very important that all staff with specific responsibilities attend a debriefing meeting following every practise fire drill. This meeting will be held to review the procedures and reactions of all participants. During the debriefing, problem areas can be identified and, if necessary, solutions to overcome any deficiencies in the facility's Fire Safety Plan can be discussed and corrected. The fire department must be made aware of, and approve any changes to the Fire Safety Plan.
The fire department administration (485-3910) shall be notified prior to the fire drill and immediately after completion and resetting the fire alarm.
The date and time of all fire drills, as well as the names of participating staff, should be recorded
in a permanent log book.
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The actions to be taken by staff in the event of a fire is crucial, therefore practising fire drills must become an integral part of a facility's preparedness.
The purpose of a fire drill is to ensure that staff are familiar with the building's overall evacuation procedures. Therefore, the owners and managers must be aware of the benefits of holding fire drills which involve all staff/employees. To maximize the benefits of these fire drills, they should be scheduled and rotated in such a way all staff/employees have an opportunity to participate.
Supervisory staff must be instructed in the fire emergency procedures that are described in the Fire Safety Plan before they are given any responsibility for fire safety. A copy of the fire emergency procedures and other duties outlined in the Fire Safety Plan must be given to all supervisory staff.
Staff should receive training in the safe use of portable fire extinguishers and other fire safety equipment. This would/may include instructions on how to activate and reset the fire alarm system where appropriate. Staff must be instructed to react quickly to a fire emergency. At the same time, personal safety must be promoted.
It is very important that all staff with specific responsibilities attend a debriefing meeting following every practise fire drill. This meeting will be held to review the procedures and reactions of all participants. During the debriefing, problem areas can be identified and, if necessary, solutions to overcome any deficiencies in the facility's Fire Safety Plan can be discussed and corrected. The fire department must be made aware of, and approve any changes to the Fire Safety Plan.
The fire department administration (485-3910) shall be notified prior to the fire drill and immediately after completion and resetting the fire alarm.
The date and time of all fire drills, as well as the names of participating staff, should be recorded
in a permanent log book.